Rambling from Ogden Point

Cards From Ogden Point
is a free E-Card (Posty) service operated by Ron McLean from his home near Ogden Point in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I'm happily retired living on Canada's West Coast. The system says I'm a Cancer -- I'm a Gemini.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

May 2005 News

May 31 2005
On May 3, I sent an E-Mail to The Langa List Newsletter (a twice weekly newsletter about computer maintenance that I subscribed to from http://www.langa.com ) Each edition Fred Langa (the editor) displayed the addresses of 10 subscriber websites in the newsletter in exchange for a banner link to his newsletter on the subscribers' websites. He cues the entries so that every site submitted eventually shows up in the listings -- the waiting period varies depending on how many sites have been submitted for listing.
Cards From Ogden Point showed up in the newsletter which was sent out at approximately midnight Eastern Daylight Time on Sunday May 29 for delivery on Monday. By the time midnight Pacific Daylight Time rolled around, 198 visitors had viewed 1233 pages on the 29th. This represented the third largest day in the site's history up until that time -- running just behind the Easter and Mother's Day visitor counts. May 30 saw 632 visitors who viewed 4014 pages. This represented 3 to 4 times more visitors and page views that any previous day in the site's history -- in fact that day had more visitors than the months of January, February or April had seen in complete months. The 31st abated somewhat with "only" 225 visitors viewing 1428 pages making it the fourth busiest day in the site's history. The combined effects of Mother's Day and "Loading The (Langa) Code" brought May's total to 1957 visitors who opened 14,123 pages on the site.
(Remember that this total only represents visitors whose browsers accept cookies -- there is no way of knowing the actual totals.)
May 2005 statistics forCards From Ogden Point:
Daily unique visitors for May 2005: 1957
Page views for May 2005: 14,123
Daily unique visitors for Monday May 30: 632
Page Views For Monday May 30: 4014
Number of countries represented in the May totals: 42
Different languages of site visitors for May 2005: 14
The server computer that sits in the corner of my living room and hosts the individual card pages and the photographs for the cards was quite busy and it worked very well. I was on the road visiting family and friends 2000 miles away in Manitoba when the listing was published so I just kept checking the site to see the numbers on the counters and to see that it was holding up under the workload. It performed very well.
I do have some pages on a backup server which would have reduced the number of cards and card pages very drastically if I had been forced to call on it. My server did its job with no apparent difficulty so "Plan B" never had to be tested.
May 16 2005
The effects of the modifications to Cards From Ogden Point that I started in February are definitely showing up as more people are visiting the site and when they visit, they are viewing larger numbers of pages than they were in 2004. The new pages have been listed in the "New Listings" on the "My Postcards Network" a number of times in the the February to May period. That plus entering the Easter Cards contest and the Mother's Day Cards contest have brought lots of new visitors to the site. Some visitors are viewing 100 or even 200 individual pages when they visit. The average visit is now over 20 pages. In 2004 most visits were one or two pages. In fact a large number of visitors either viewed the Welcome Page, the Index Page, or both those pages and then left the site. Most visitors are now checking out at least one or two card index pages before they leave the site. The only visitors who only visit one page are some who are picking up cards. About half the people who visit the "View Posty" page only visit that page while the other half follow the links on that page into the rest of the site.
The number of visitors in the first half of May has been quite encouraging. The Saturday before Mother's Day had the second largest number of visitors the site has ever had and those visitors viewed more pages than have been viewed on any day since the site was put on line in September 2004.
May 1 - 16 statistics forCards From Ogden Point:
Daily unique visitors for the first half of May 2005: 704
Page views for the first half of May 2005: 8611
Daily unique visitors for Saturday May 7: 219
Page Views For Saturday May 7: 1651
Number of countries represented in the above totals: 35
Different languages of site visitors for May 1 -16 2005: 12
These visitors boosted the total count on the "Cards Received" page to 1706.
(Remember that the counters use cookies to track the visitor progress through the site so the above numbers do not include visitors whose browsers block cookies.)
In May 2005 the early efforts went into creating"Mother's Day Cards From Ogden Point".
That paid off with the winner's badge.
Cards From Ogden Point Has Won Some Awards.
4th Place in the Spring-Easter 2005Cardmasters World Champoinship
5th Place in the Mother's Day 2005Cardmasters World Championship
Thank You To Everyone Who Voted For My Site.

In May I also added a feature to my sites that may interest some visitors -- especially the technically inclined:
You Can Check out your Internet Connection Here:
(The Flag Should Indicate Your Country.)
Check Your IP Address
Click Here For A Map To Your Location.
Click Here If The Location Is Not Correct.
Click Here For A Zooming Map To My Server's Location.


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